Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer UGX Race simulators ( in Netherlands

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer UGX Race simulators ( from Netherlands

The UGX sim racing cockpit is designed to provide the ultimate racing experience, allowing gamers to feel like a real race driver. With its adjustable seat, gear lever holder and buttkicker holder, the cockpit ensures that the user is comfortable and secure while playing. The cockpit also features a range of modular accessories and upgrade options, giving gamers the flexibility to customize their setup to their own preferences. The UGX sim racing cockpit is constructed from high-quality materials, ensuring that it is robust and durable. This allows for a smooth and responsive racing experience, and with its adjustable seat and gear lever holder, gamers can be sure that they are in the perfect position for the most immersive experience. The cockpit also features a range of upgrade options, allowing gamers to customize their setup and make it their own. The UGX sim racing cockpit is the perfect way to take your gaming experience to the next level. With its adjustable seat and gear lever holder, you can be sure that you are in the perfect position for the most immersive experience. The cockpit also features a range of modular accessories and upgrade options, giving gamers the flexibility to customize their setup to their own preferences. With its robust construction and range of features, the UGX sim racing cockpit is the perfect way to bring your gaming experience to life.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer UGX Race simulators (


De Droogmakerij

1851 LX Heiloo,

UGX Race simulators ( is located in Netherlands

Website Link

How do people rate UGX Race simulators ( in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer UGX Race simulators ( is rated with (5) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer UGX Race simulators ( offer?

UGX Race simulators ( offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:


Racing Seats


TV Stands

What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider UGX Race simulators ( in Netherlands?

If blank = not provided

Monday: 9AM–10PM

Tuesday: 9AM–10PM

Wednesday: 9AM–10PM

Thursday: 9AM–10PM

Friday: 9AM–10PM

Saturday: 9AM–10PM

Sunday: 9AM–10PM