Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) in Germany

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) from Germany

Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH is a leader in the motorsport and racing simulator industry. They specialize in the manufacture, sale, and rental of professional simulators that provide a high degree of realism. Their clientele includes automotive industry professionals, racing drivers, and private individuals. The company’s engineers and skilled workers develop new motion racing products to meet market requirements. These products are mass-produced directly at STL or at the customer’s premises. STL also has an ERP system in place to ensure a smooth and precise order processing. In addition to their manufacturing and rental services, STL also offers a wide range of parts and accessories in their online shop. They also provide regular special offers and news. Their employees are available to assist partners and customers both online and in person, worldwide. Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH is a trusted name in the motorsport and racing simulator industry. Their commitment to quality and customer service has earned them a growing market share, and they continue to strive to provide the best products and services to their customers.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL)


In d. Raubach

51570 Windeck,

ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) is located in Germany

Website Link

How do people rate ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) is rated with (5) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) offer?

ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:


Steering wheels




What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider ACTORACER – Simulationstechnik Lingnau GmbH (STL) in Germany?

If blank = not provided

Monday: 8AM–9PM

Tuesday: 8AM–9PM

Wednesday: 8AM–9PM

Thursday: 8AM–9PM

Friday: 8AM–9PM

Saturday: 12–9PM

Sunday: Closed