Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer RACING SIMULATORS .CZ in Czech Republic

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer RACING SIMULATORS .CZ from Czech Republic

PROSIMU is a French manufacturer of cockpits, motion simulators and motion platforms for automotive and aviation simulations based at the legendary Le Mans circuit. Founded in 2009, PROSIMU has made strides in the simulation industry, offering more compact and affordable, yet high performance and extremely accurate simulators to both professional and home users. To promote their products, PROSIMU has enlisted the help of professional car racer Vincent Capillaire and professional sim racer Maxime Brient. Both of these professionals have been able to demonstrate the capabilities of PROSIMU’s simulators, showing the world just how realistic and immersive the experience can be. PROSIMU’s commitment to innovation and quality has allowed them to become a leader in the simulation industry. Their products are designed to be as realistic as possible, allowing users to experience a wide range of scenarios in a safe and controlled environment. They also strive to make their products as affordable as possible, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of simulation. PROSIMU’s simulators are used in a variety of settings, from professional racing teams to home users. They provide a realistic and engaging experience that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their level of experience. With PROSIMU’s simulators, users can experience the thrill of racing without the risks of real-world racing. In short, PROSIMU is a French manufacturer of high-quality and affordable simulators for automotive and aviation simulations. Their products are designed to be as realistic and immersive as possible, and they have enlisted the help of professional racers to demonstrate the capabilities of their simulators. Their commitment to innovation and quality has allowed them to become a leader in the simulation industry, and their products are used in a variety of settings.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer RACING SIMULATORS .CZ



13 Liberec,

RACING SIMULATORS .CZ is located in Czech Republic

Website Link

How do people rate RACING SIMULATORS .CZ in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer RACING SIMULATORS .CZ is rated with (not rated) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer RACING SIMULATORS .CZ offer?

RACING SIMULATORS .CZ offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:



F1 car replica

Racing Seat


What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider RACING SIMULATORS .CZ in Czech Republic?

If blank = not provided

Monday: 9AM–5PM

Tuesday: 9AM–5PM

Wednesday: 9AM–5PM

Thursday: 9AM–5PM

Friday: 9AM–5PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed