Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer DOF Reality Motion Simulators in United States

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer DOF Reality Motion Simulators from United States

The company sold more Motion Simulator platforms than all other vendors combined. These platforms offer an incredibly immersive experience with g-force acceleration, braking and high turns. They are also VR compatible with Oculus Rift/Gear, HTC Vive and all future products. The lightning fast reaction time of PID of 5-10 ms makes them perfect for professional training. The innovative and well thought-out design ensures exceptional performance and quality in each Motion Simulator. The company offers 2 DOF (Pitch + Roll), 3 DOF (Pitch + Roll + Yaw), and Full 6 DOF Motion Simulator versions to reproduce automobiles, aircrafts, or any other vehicle motion. Adjustable Motion Simulator mounts allow for customization to the user’s needs, and the modular structure is engineered to be upgradeable to more Dimensions of Freedom (Axis). Overall, the company’s Motion Simulator platforms are the perfect choice for those looking for an immersive, professional, and customizable experience. With the ability to upgrade to more Dimensions of Freedom (Axis), the company’s Motion Simulator platforms are sure to meet the needs of any user.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer DOF Reality Motion Simulators


11320 State Route 9

NY 12919 Champlain,

DOF Reality Motion Simulators is located in United States

Website Link

How do people rate DOF Reality Motion Simulators in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer DOF Reality Motion Simulators is rated with (4.9) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer DOF Reality Motion Simulators offer?

DOF Reality Motion Simulators offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:


What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider DOF Reality Motion Simulators in United States?

If blank = not provided






