Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Mitchell Race Xtreme in New Zaeland

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Mitchell Race Xtreme from New Zaeland

MRX Race Sims have been providing entry level to high end racing simulation experiences to racers in New Zealand since 2018. The company was founded by two passionate sim racers, who wanted to provide a product that would bring the ultimate racing experience to their customers. MRX Race Sims offer a range of packages and custom options, including laser-cut designs that can be flat-packed for shipping. These designs can be adjusted to accommodate almost any body shape or size. In addition to the race sim chassis, MRX also offers triple-monitor and overhead monitor set ups, keyboard & mouse trays, PC shelf, shifter mounts and the essential drink holder. For higher-end users, MRX also offers Direct Drive wheel base mounting options, pedal mounting kits and button boxes. MRX Race Sims have partnered with Racetech NZ to provide an outstanding racing simulation experience. The company has been an outstanding success, with some of New Zealand’s top sim and real world racers using their products. If you are looking for a superbly built race sim, look no further. MRX Race Sims are made right here in the Waikato, and can provide basic turn key packages or high-end custom versions.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Mitchell Race Xtreme


Law Crescent

3288 Horotiu,

Mitchell Race Xtreme is located in New Zaeland

Website Link

How do people rate Mitchell Race Xtreme in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Mitchell Race Xtreme is rated with (5) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Mitchell Race Xtreme offer?

Mitchell Race Xtreme offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:


What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider Mitchell Race Xtreme in New Zaeland?

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