Sim Racing Lounge Stonerig Raceway in United Kingdom

About the Sim Racing Lounge Stonerig Raceway

Sim Racing Lounge is the perfect place for any motorsport enthusiast to experience the thrill of racing. With full-size replica cars, users can simulate racing on any of the world’s Grand Prix tracks, or they can choose to race their favorite supercar in a touring car simulator. Whether you’re a fan of Formula One heroes like Senna, Hill, or Schumacher, or just want to experience the thrill of racing, Sim Racing Lounge has something for everyone.

Location of Stonerig Raceway Sim Racing Lounge


Hartshead St, Lees


Sim Racing Lounge is located in United Kingdom

Website Link

Is online Booking possible at the Sim Racing Lounge Stonerig Raceway in United Kingdom?

Online booking available: Yes

What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Lounge Stonerig Raceway in United Kingdom?

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: 10AM–4PM


Friday: 10AM–4PM

Saturday: 10AM–4PM

Sunday: 10AM–4PM

Pricing information of Stonerig Raceway Sim Racing Lounge

Currency: British Pound £

Starting from:

Price for 1 Session:

Price for 2 Sessions:

Price for 3 Sessions:

Price for 4 Sessions:

Price for 5 Sessions:

Price for 10 Sessions:

Price for 20 Sessions:

Price for Competition Session:

Price for Championship Session:

Price per person:

Price per 10 minutes:

Price per 15 minutes:

Price per 20 minutes:

Price per 25 minutes:

Price per 30 minutes:

Price per 40 minutes:

Price per 45 minutes:

Price per 60 minutes:

Price per 80 minutes:

Price per 90 minutes:

Price per 100 minutes:

Price per 120 minutes:

Price per 180 minutes:

Price for 10 hours:

Price for 3 races of 8 minutes: