Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer NZKW in New Zaeland

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer NZKW from New Zaeland

NZKW is an Australian based manufacturer of a wide range of sim racing parts. The company has been in business since 2020 and has quickly become one of the leading suppliers in the sim racing industry. NZKW has an online store on their website where customers can purchase their products. The company offers a variety of sim racing parts, including shifters, pedals, steering wheels, and more. All of their products are designed to provide the highest level of performance and accuracy for sim racers. NZKW also offers custom parts and services to meet the needs of individual racers. In addition to their online store, NZKW also provides a wide range of support services. They have a customer service team that is available to answer questions and provide assistance with any issues that may arise. They also have a technical support team that can help with installation and setup of their products. NZKW is committed to providing the best quality sim racing parts and services at competitive prices. They strive to provide their customers with the best customer service possible and to ensure that they are satisfied with their purchase. The company also offers a variety of promotions and discounts to help customers save money. NZKW is dedicated to providing the best sim racing experience possible. Their products are designed to provide the highest level of performance and accuracy for sim racers. With their online store, customer service team, and technical support team, NZKW is the perfect choice for sim racers looking for quality parts and services.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer NZKW


Allens Road, East Tamaki

2013 Auckland,

NZKW is located in New Zaeland

Website Link

How do people rate NZKW in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer NZKW is rated with (4.2) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer NZKW offer?

NZKW offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:




What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider NZKW in New Zaeland?

If blank = not provided






