Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Cranfield Simulation in United Kingdom

About the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Cranfield Simulation from United Kingdom

AXSIM’s patented sustained motion cueing technology, allows for the creation of realistic motion profiles which can be used to simulate the effects of g-force. This technology is used to create a realistic driving experience, with the motion platform providing the driver with the sensation of acceleration, braking and cornering forces. AXSIM’s technology is used in professional motorsport, providing teams with the ability to simulate the exact track conditions they will be racing on. This allows drivers to practice and perfect their skills before they hit the track. AXSIM also provides a range of other products and services, such as motion platforms, simulators, software and engineering services. The company’s products are used in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, defence, and entertainment. Cranfield Simulation is a department within Cranfield Aerospace Solutions Ltd. They are a globally renowned supplier of g-cueing products for military simulators, having delivered 130 systems to 21 different Armed Forces for over 30 years. AXSIM was born out of this engineering company and is now a leader in fully immersive sustained motion cueing technology. This technology is used to create a realistic driving experience with the motion platform providing the driver with the sensation of acceleration, braking and cornering forces. AXSIM’s technology is used in professional motorsport, providing teams with the ability to simulate the exact track conditions they will be racing on. They also provide a range of other products and services, such as motion platforms, simulators, software and engineering services, which are used in a variety of industries.

Location of the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Cranfield Simulation



MK43 0AL Bedford,

Cranfield Simulation is located in United Kingdom

Website Link

How do people rate Cranfield Simulation in search engine reviews?

According to our research the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Cranfield Simulation is rated with (5) out of 5 Stars

What product categories does the Sim Racing Gear Manufacturer Cranfield Simulation offer?

Cranfield Simulation offers the following product categories for Sim Racing Gear:

Formula Simulator

GT Simulator

GFQ Simulator

GFQ Formula

What are the opening hours of the Sim Racing Gear Provider Cranfield Simulation in United Kingdom?

If blank = not provided

Monday: 9AM–5PM

Tuesday: 9AM–5PM

Wednesday: 9AM–5PM

Thursday: 9AM–5PM

Friday: 9AM–5PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed